803 research outputs found


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    Preparing a student with project skills is one of the urgent tasks facing education. At present, the general education school of Russia is moving to new educational standards, which provide for the mandatory formation of students' skills in using project activities. The article contains an analysis of the experience of involving students of different age groups in project activities during their acquaintance with the basic topological concepts within the framework of the author's elective discipline "Get to know topology".At the preparatory stage of teaching, the content of the modern section of mathematics was reasonably selected, different types of practical tasks were modeled, the topic of projects, possible options for the product of project activities, assessment criteria were selected, questionnaires were developed.The article describes the results of experimental teaching, which was carried out for three years in educational institutions of different levels. The article is illustrated with examples of methods of organizing project activities in the course "Get to know topology" and approaches to evaluating project products; the analysis of questionnaires of different groups of students was carried out. The results of the study confirm that project-based learning increases the involvement and interest of schoolchildren in mathematics, allows them to understand a new problem, contributes to the development of communication and cooperation skills of students, creates conditions for the development of students' creativity.

    The Methodological Principles of Setting Up Soil Monitoring in Protected Areas

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    The article discusses the methodology of organizing soil monitoring in the territory of Eastern Fennoscandia. The history of developing monitoring studies of soils is presented. The main stages of monitoring are shown. Soil monitoring requires an adequate selection of indicators to match the type of impact and the mission of the monitoring. The importance of complex studies in soil monitoring is shown. It is noted that it is possible to change the monitoring objects in response to the increase in anthropogenic impact. The need for international cooperation in monitoring the natural environment in connection with global climate change is discussed. Continuous and consistent observations based on integrated research are what enable a reliable assessment of the current state of the natural environment in protected areas. This particularly applies to soil monitoring in valuable UNESCO heritage sites (e.g., rock art – White Sea and Lake Onega petroglyphs). Keywords: natural environment, protected areas, soil monitorin

    Implementation of party projects as a way to strengthen the image of a public organization

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    The purpose of the article was to identify the attitude of the population toward the Moscow Regional regional branch of the United Russia Party to improve the image of this public organization. Special sociological methods were used, including qualitative analysis of documents, secondary analysis of research results, survey methods. Based on the results of the survey, it was revealed that the implementation of party projects is a significant tool for forming the image of political organizations. An attractive image of an organization is the most important condition for its political success, which helps to bring the electorate to its side

    Application of Innovative Financial Product for Increase of Efficient Realization of Leasing Operations

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    Contemporary organizations seek for new, innovative ways of building up competitive advantage. One of them is financing operations using new forms racing. Such a form is innovative leasing option which leaves the leaser the right to sell the leased equipment to the leasing company, which in turn is obliged to buy it. This way the risk for the company is smaller and the decisions to invest in such a way are taken more easily. The article deepens the topic showing advantages of such solutions to the companies

    Environment quality management in green cities

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    The article is devoted to the issues of improvement of quality of urban environment during realization of the project of development of green cities, which combines economic and ecological advantages. The article substantiates top-priority directions of change of approaches to management of urban territories and integration of efforts of science, business, and society in promotion of green technologies. The main methodological approach to provision of ecological balance in green cities consists in development of the most comprehensive complex of ecological and economic indicators of development of the city in view of implementation of progressive technologies of filtration of industrial emissions into the atmosphere, sewage water treatment, waste processing, etc. The article offers methodological substantiation of the system of indicators which include evaluation of anthropogenic influence on urban environment and calculation of integrated economic effect from implementation of green technologies which minimize unfavorable effect of these influences. These indicators include emissions release into the atmosphere, soil pollution, development of green areas, use of urban territories which are taken out from the system of natural use, use of city public transport, etc. The developed indicators can not only reflect the existing ecological state and economic development of the city fully but be used for development of perspective scenarios of development of green urban economy on the basis of industrially developed middle-sized cities of Russia and the CIS.peer-reviewe

    Concept - strategy “green cities” on the basis of medium industrially developed cities of Russia and CIS countries

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    The work is oriented at conceptual and methodological substantiation of the strategy of formation of “green cities” on the basis of medium industrially developed cities of Russia and post-Soviet countries, which provide new ecological and socio-economic standards of living standards of population. The concept of “green city” has not only to correspond to imperatives of competitiveness, sustainability, and security of economy, but to form mechanisms of creation of material and informational, humanitarian and technical, institutional and organizational, commercial and financial conditions for effective realization of potential of medium cities. In order to substantiate the results of the research, the following methods of scientific analysis were used: systemic, situational, historical and logical, typological; methods of structural & functional, subjective & objective, descriptive, comparative, expert, statistical, graphic, and table analysis, and economic & mathematical modeling. Study of the processes of transformation of socio-economic system of medium cities on the basis of developed institutional criteria allowed expanding methodological basis of strategic management – in particular, substantiating the totality of methodological and methodical decisions, related to conduct of the analysis, substantiation of goals and mission, development and realization of strategy. Analysis of external and internal possibilities and limitations of medium city development allows determining factors which influence its state and trajectory of development positively and negatively: organizational & managerial (dominant of local authorities’ focus at cooperation with regional and federal structures), technical and technological (orientation of vector of industry modernization), infrastructural (imperative of implementation of resource-saving technologies), ecological (recession of ecological culture of population), tourist and recreational (slowdown in development of recreational resources and creation of tourism industry), informational and communicational (priority of creation of “E-city”), and social (horizon of new social standards).peer-reviewe

    Atitudes dos estudantes universitários em relação à atividade extremista

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    Study goal: to explore university students’ attitudes toward extremist activity. Methods: The study is conducted on the students of Balashovsky Institute (branch) of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education “Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky” (SSU BI) studying in pedagogical areas of education. Results: The study reveals average and high levels of ethnic tolerance in the students; most respondents consider the reasons behind the adoption of extremist ideology to be social factors; every second student condemns the actions of extremist nature in any form; as measures to counter extremism, the respondents suggest educational, outreach, informational technologies. To reduce the risks of the involvement of youth in extremist communities in a multinational region, an additional education program “Prevention of intolerance and extremism among young people” is developed and implemented in the educational component of the university.Objetivo del estudio: explorar las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la actividad extremista. Métodos: El estudio se realiza sobre los estudiantes de las áreas de formación pedagógica. Resultados: El estudio revela niveles medios y altos de tolerancia étnica en los estudiantes; la mayoría de los encuestados considera que las razones detrás de la adopción de la ideología extremista son factores sociales; cada segundo estudiante condena las acciones de naturaleza extremista en cualquier forma; como medidas para contrarrestar el extremismo, los encuestados sugieren tecnologías educativas, de divulgación y de la información. Para reducir los riesgos de la participación de jóvenes en comunidades extremistas en una región multinacional, se desarrolla e implementar un programa educativo adicional "Prevención de la intolerancia y el extremismo entre los jóvenes" en el componente educativo de la universidad.Objetivo do estudo: explorar as atitudes de estudantes universitários em relação à atividade extremista. O estudo é realizado com os alunos do Instituto Balashovsky (filial) da Instituição Educacional Estadual Federal de Educação Profissional Superior “Universidade Estadual de Pesquisa Nacional de Saratov em homenagem a N.G. Chernyshevsky” (SSU BI) estudando em áreas pedagógicas de formação. Resultados: O estudo revela níveis médios e altos de tolerância étnica nos alunos; a maioria dos entrevistados considera que as razões por trás da adoção da ideologia extremista são fatores sociais; cada segundo aluno condena as ações de natureza extremista de qualquer forma; como medidas para combater o extremismo, os entrevistados sugerem tecnologias educacionais, de divulgação e de informação. Para reduzir os riscos do envolvimento de jovens em comunidades extremistas em uma região multinacional, um programa educacional adicional “Prevenção da intolerância e do extremismo entre os jovens” é desenvolvido e implementado no componente educacional da universidade

    Дистанционное образование в России в контексте обучения иностранным языкам

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    Every year the interest of youth in a foreign language as a means of international communication increases. New professions arise that require knowledge of a foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language is a mandatory requirement for business communication and running anywhere in the world, evidence, and guarantee of competitiveness, professional socialization of the modern young generation. One of the priority tasks of the language training system is the improvement of teaching methods, the search for innovative methods, and advanced technologies for teaching languages. The article describes the current trends in Russian education, which are associated with the spread of distance education. It is proved that distance education is becoming increasingly important in terms of language training. It is shown that modern trends in education are associated, first of all, with the need to overcome the contradictions between the content of training and the requirements for the personality of the future specialist, the traditional organization of the educational process and the patterns of interpersonal and intercultural interaction.Cada año aumenta el interés de los jóvenes en un idioma extranjero como medio de comunicación internacional. Surgen nuevas profesiones que requieren el conocimiento de un idioma extranjero. El conocimiento de un idioma extranjero es un requisito obligatorio para la comunicación empresarial y la ejecución en cualquier parte del mundo, evidencia y garantía de competitividad, socialización profesional de la generación joven moderna. Una de las tareas prioritarias del sistema de capacitación en idiomas es la mejora de los métodos de enseñanza, la búsqueda de métodos innovadores y las tecnologías avanzadas para la enseñanza de idiomas. El artículo describe las tendencias actuales en la educación rusa, que están asociadas con la difusión de la educación a distancia. Está comprobado que la educación a distancia se está volviendo cada vez más importante en términos de capacitación en idiomas. Se muestra que las tendencias modernas en educación están asociadas, en primer lugar, con la necesidad de superar las contradicciones entre el contenido de la capacitación y los requisitos para la personalidad del futuro especialista, la organización tradicional del proceso educativo y los patrones de interpersonal e interacción intercultural. С каждым годом увеличивается интерес молодежи к иностранному языку как средству международного общения. Появляются новые специальности, требующие владения иностранным языком.Знание второго и последующих языков – это обязательное требование для делового общения и ведения бизнеса в любой точке мира, свидетельство и залог конкурентоспособности, профессиональной социализации современного молодого поколения.Одними из приоритетных задач системы языковой подготовки являются совершенствование методов обучения, поиск инновационных методов и передовых технологий обучения языкам.В данной статье описываются современные тенденции российского образования, связанные с распространением дистанционного обучения. Доказывается, что дистанционное обучение приобретает все большее значение в плане языковой подготовки. Показано, что современные тенденции в образовании связаны, в первую очередь, с необходимостью преодоления противоречий между содержанием подготовки и требованиями к личности будущего специалиста, традиционной организацией образовательного процесса и закономерностями межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия

    The role of musical and aesthetic activity in the development of creative abilities of children with visual impairments

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    A retrospective analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and practical experience in the field of education allows us to state the fact that music development, musical lessons and aesthetic activity have a great positive effect on the development of the personality of children with hearing impairments. At the same time, the insufficient development of the methodology and methods for the development of musical and creative abilities of visually impaired children in order to correct their physical and moral development gives the reason to consider this problem to be quite relevant and timely. Some aspects of solving this problem are disclosed in this article. The purpose of this article of ours is to disclose the essence and content of the concept of “musical and creative abilities”; analysis of the psychophysiological characteristics of visually impaired children in the context of the development of their musical and creative abilities; characteristics of the content and forms of musical education of visually impaired children in order to develop creative abilities and the results of the experimental work of the authors in this direction. Theoretical and empirical research methods were used to solve the stated tasks: analysis of the musical, pedagogical and psychological literature on the research problem; analysis of pupil performance; study, analysis and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience on the stated problem, pedagogical observation, questionnaire, survey, conversation. The article contains a description of the results of the implementation in the process of experimental work of the pedagogical conditions that we have identified that contribute to improving the development of creative abilities in visually impaired children. The data obtained allow us to conclude that, after conducting experimental work, the indicators improved according to all the criteria we identified for the successful development of creative abilities in visually impaired children